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Awards & Recognition

Women of substance-2024 (Art & Culture)

Pride of Bharat -2024 (Art & Culture)

  • Women of Substance Award -2024

  • Felicitated by IGNCA for the research work on Cambodia in 2023

  • Special Invitee Speaker at World Heritage Volunteers Camp at Ramappa temple, Telangana 2023

  • Special mention at the National conference Titled “75 years of Heritage” organized by MHRD, SPA- Bhopal for the contribution to Indian Cultural Landscapes- 2023

  • Felicitated by IIA -Nagpur for the research on Ancient Architecture of Cambodia -2022

  • Alumni of the Year award by SMMCOA, Nagpur, 2020

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Best Presenter” award received at the  7th International Conference on Asian Studies- 2019, held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 21st to 23rd October -2019

The research work was very well appreciated by the Session Chairs. 

35 participants were selected for the presentation of their research work, from the USA, Russia, Japan, China, Indonesia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Australia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, India, etc. 

Title: Analyzing the Development of Khmer Temple Architecture and Dravidian Temple Architecture from 8th to 12th AD – A Case Study.

Published: Asian Studies International Journal (ISSN: 2279-1949)-2019-Volume 1


First  prize and a special mention at the International Conference on Research for Resurgence, organized by Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal in collaboration with Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur, and other universities in India  in February 2015, 

Theme: Architecture 

Paper Title: Appreciating the Indian Temple Architecture- an Indian viewpoint

“Best Paper” award received in the conference National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technology and architecture, organized by Dr. D. Y Patil College of Engineering, Kolhapur (ISBN:978-920561-6-6) in January-2015: Theme: Inspirational Architecture

Paper title: Manifestation of Indian philosophy of temple architecture in Cambodia- A case of Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.

Received the Scholarship from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) for the fully funded Specialized course- Conservation and Management of Historic Buildings - 2006 Lunds University, Sweden  (2005)

Selected as one of the 30 exemplary projects from all the participant countries.


GATE scholar for Masters in Architectural Conservation from School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi  (2001)

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