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Book publication: Cambodia: India Outside India, Decoding Khmer Architecture

Scopus-indexed book, published by Copal Publishing, New Delhi in February 2023

ISBN 978-81-95727-22-2

Research Publications:

Journal publication:

  • Appreciating Indian temple Architecture-An Indian viewpoint

Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects; 2017- June; Volume 82; Issue 05, ISSN-0019-4913

19th and 20th December 2022

Glimpses of the International conference on “Ancient Indian Texts on Temple Architecture and Their Contribution to Modern Practices” organized by Indira Gandhi Center for the Art (IGNCA) and BAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute, New Delhi, scheduled on 19th & 20th December 2022, at Ahmedabad.

Presented my paper on “Influence of Indian ancient text on Khmer city planning principals”.
Stalwarts from the field Hon. G.B. Deglurkar sir, Ar. Yatin Pandya, Ar. Rabindra Vasavada, Ar. Snehal Shah and dignitaries from IGNCA were the other invitees for the conference. 


Conference papers:

  1. October 2019- 7th International Conference on Asian Studies- 2019, held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 21st to 23rd October -2019.

Title: Analyzing the Development of Khmer Temple Architecture and Dravidian Temple Architecture from 8th to 12th AD – A Case Study.

Published: Asian Studies International Journal (ISSN: 2279-1949)-2019-Volume 1

Received the “Best Presenter” award at the conference and the research work was very well appreciated by the Session Chairs. 35 participants were selected for the presentation of their research work, from US, Russia, Japan, China, Indonesia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Australia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, India etc.

2. February-2016- International Conference on Research for Resurgence, organized by Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal in collaboration with Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur

Theme: Architecture

Paper Title: Appreciating the Indian Temple Architecture- an Indian viewpoint

Won the first prize and a special mention

3. February-2015: National conference on Urban Issues & Architectural Interventions - 2015 (NCUIAI-2015) organized by Pune University & Sinhgad College of Architecture, Pune (ISBN:978-81-929293-0-9)

Paper title: India outside India- Analyzing various theories of Indianization of South East Asia with a focus on Cambodia.

4. February-2015- 5th International Conference & Gathering of Elders organized by the International center for cultural studies, USA 

Paper title: Impact of Indian culture on Architecture of rest of South East Asia

5. January-2015: National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technology and architecture,  organized by Dr. D. Y Patil College of Engineering, Kolhapur (ISBN:978-920561-6-6)

Theme: Inspirational Architecture.

Paper title: Manifestation of Indian philosophy of temple architecture in Cambodia- A case of Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.

Won the “Best Paper” award in the conference

  • Conservation guidelines for the Cultural region of Ramtek, Nagpur.
    Worked as a part of the Master’s thesis project.

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