August 2023-
Presented research paper at the 8th International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities organized by the University of Oxford, UK

Public lectures:
March 2024- Invited special guest at 2nd international conference on Ramayana in Bhopal on 9th and 10th March-2024.
February 2024: Panel member at Chennai lit-fest, Chennai -2024 to talk about Indian way of looking at Temples
January 2024: Leture at Maharani Lakshmibai Govt college, Bhopal for MA History students, 19th January 2024
October 2023: Lecture at World Heritage Volunteers’ camp organized by Kakatiya Heritage Trust at Ramappa Temple, Telangana on the topic Cambodia: India Outside India, under the theme Future of World Heritage
June 2021, 10- Delivered a lecture on Celebrating Cultural Heritage: Traditional Festivals in Cambodia and India during a Lecture series by ICOMOS-India on Connecting Dots-2: Beyond India and Reflections
August 2023, 4- Lecture delivered during the induction program of MA courses at Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth on Journey of temples- From India to Cambodia
March 2023, 23- Presented research work on Angkor: Epitome of Indian Influence on Khmer Architecture at IGNCA on the occasion of the 36th Foundation Day of Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA)
August 2022, 28- Invited for a lecture on Khmer architecture- a manifestation of Indian architecture at IIA, Nagpur on their 49th foundation day celebration.
September 2022, 17- Presented Angkor: Apogee of Ancient Khmer Wisdom at the symposium organized by the International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS) & Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
August 2021- Sanskrit Sakhi Sabha-Speaker for the event on 7th August 2021. Topic: Angkor wat temple (Marathi)
February 2021- Speaker and panel member at ICOMOS India platform of Cultural tourism India and abroad- Connecting dots-1
December 2020- session on Understanding temples as a resource person at COA-TRC in collaboration with IES College of Architecture, Mumbai from 7th December to 10th December 2020
September 2020- Documenting Temple Architecture at Post Graduate Department of Architecture Education of Smt. Manoramabai Mundle College of Architecture, Nagpur. 3rd September 2020
March 2010: Presented “Conservation management plan for Panna Meena Kund, Amer, Jaipur” in the International Training Program, organized by Lund University, Sweden, and SPA, Delhi at Lunds University, Sweden.
2005, 2006- Presented on “Conservation management and maintenance plan for Jharna, Mehrauli, Delhi, India” for professionals from 15 different countries at Phnom Phen, Cambodia. (2006) and at Lund University, Sweden (2005)
2003- Conservation Management Plan for Ramtek Cultural region and community participation as a tool for Heritage Management at Lady Amritabai Daga College of Architecture, Nagpur. (2003)
2004- Presented the work and the site tour given to Prince Charles at Panna Meena Ka Kund, Amer, Jaipur in February- 2004 as a part of the Jaipur Virasat Festival.

Lectures and Seminars:
Presented the Cultural tourism vision for the Buddhist circuit in Western Ghats of Maharashtra as a Subject Expert for the One Day Stakeholder Workshop on the ‘Pune District Tourism Plan’, envisioned by Hon. MP Adv. Vandana Chavan, on the 3rd of July 2021.
Resource person- Journey of India outside India- A comparative study of temples and Indic Culture, 1 st February-2021 to 4th February-2021, a 5-day lecture series with an NGO- HAAK, Pune
Resource person- South India to South East Asia- from 5th April-2021 to 9th April-2021, a lecture series with Indigo Roots, Pune
Resource person- Connecting the cultural past of India and Cambodia through its Architectural Manifestation for ICOMOS Cultural heritage and tourism -scientific committee- 20- Feb-2021,
Documentation of Intangible aspects of Temples on 10th December-2020, at the Teachers Training Programme on “Understanding Temples” held by IES College of Architecture & Council of Architecture.
Documenting temple architecture- 3rd September 2020 and An exploration of building science of temple architecture – 8th September-2020 at Smt. Manoramabai Mundle College of Architecture, Nagpur for students of Masters in Architectural Education
“Conservation management plan for Panna Meena Kund, Amer, Jaipur” in the international training program, organized by Lund University, Sweden and SPA, Delhi (2010)
“Conservation management and maintenance plan for Jharna, Mehrauli, Delhi, India” For the professionals from 15 different countries at Phnom Phen, Cambodia. (2006) and at Lund University, Sweden (2005)
Conservation Management Plan for Ramtek Cultural region and Community participation as a tool for Heritage Management at Lady Amritabai Daga College of Architecture, Nagpur. (2003)
On-site seminar to Prince Charles at Panna Meena Ka Kund, Amer, Jaipur in February- 2004 as a part of Jaipur Virasat Festival.

15-day workshop for Lund University, Sweden & School of planning and Architecture, New Delhi (March-2010)
“International training program” on “Conservation and Management of Historic Buildings” in coordination with both the renowned universities. Participants: 30 eminent professionals from various countries have participated in the program.
International Workshop organized & coordinated:

(7th December to 11th December-2020)
As with any other form of the built form, temples, have been a direct response to their contemporary needs of worship and society. Since its earliest origins up to the present day, the architectural expression of the temple has changed dramatically, yet retaining its fundamental principles of planning. From tree- worship and wayside shrines to the elaborately designed urban monuments, temples encompass the plurality of cultural landscapes that have caused its very metamorphosis.
This workshop looks at the range of dynamics that have affected these changes. These include not only the changing practices of the religion itself but also its mythologies, documentation of tangible and intangible aspects, spatial movements, regional responses, the use and design of the temple precincts. We will conclude with the positioning of the temple and its form in modern times.